About Us

About BoltaShabd.com

We are Newspaper publishers from Madhya Pradesh, India. Our registered Newspaper title with Government of India is “Bolta Shabd” and our RNI Number is: “MPHIN/2012/49632” The same can be verified from Government of India RNI portal accessible from link: http://rni.nic.in/registerdtitle_search/registeredtitle_ser.aspx

This website boltashabd.com is our digital platform for publishing news under the same RNI obtained from the government. This is to clarify and authenticate our eligibility for publishing news by means of print media, electronic media and audio visual media platforms as a authorized news publisher recognized by the Indian Government.

We also have our Mobile App available on Google Play Store here. Which also act as an extension to this news website, and has been programmed to give a better reading experience to our android users, and replicate the content available on this news website.

Anyone having questions regarding the news post or publishing house can contact on the Editor’s contact information given on the website’s main page.

For, Bolta Shabd
Editor, BoltaShabd.com
Contact Address: V.V Giri Ward, Panchmarhi Road, Pipriya,
district Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, India

Copy of RNI certificate attached below: